In a recent interview on WGTD’s Morning Show, Greg Berg and I discussed a number of themes drawn from The Power of Names. Our discussion touched on the different meanings attributed to our first and last names, as well as the topic of name-changing as a way of assimilating to a … [Read more...]
How Does Your Name Shape You?
Shortly after the publication of my new book, I was contacted by Anne Strainchamps from To the Best of Our Knowledge, a nationally syndicated online radio broadcast, to participate in the segment of a larger program entitled What’s In A Name? In addition to the significance of … [Read more...]
Parth Shah Discusses Living With a Name That Is Difficult to Pronounce
In this interesting Hyphen episode, Parth Shah, an Indian-American journalist highlights the daily difficulties encountered by Asian-Americans living with names that are difficult to pronounce. Several interviewees discuss the origins of their names and the question of … [Read more...]
A Recent Radio Interview on CBC’s Here and Now (Toronto)
A few weeks after The Power of Names was published, I had an opportunity to speak with Mary Wiens of Here and Now (CBC). We talked about the many ways in which names infiltrate our lives without any conscious awareness. I also discussed what it means to truly “inhabit your … [Read more...]