Presentations / Lectures
“The Savoir of the Analyst.” Paper presented at the Toronto Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, Toronto, October, 2022.
“Adieu Lacan: A film discussion.” Paper presented at the Toronto Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, Toronto, May, 2022.
“On the Subject of Science and the Subject of Psychoanalysis.” Paper presented at the Contemporary Institute of Psychoanalysis, Toronto, March, 2015
“In the Presence of Absence.” Paper presented at Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups (APW) conference On Desire, Toronto, October, 2014.
“Savoir-Faire of the Analyst: Between Science and Artistry.” Presentation at Apres-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, New York, June, 2013.
“What’s in a Name?” Presentation at The Forum, Stratford Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford, Ontario, July, 2013.
Why Chooseth Me: Psychoanalysis and Shakespeare. Presentation at The Forum, Stratford Shakepeare Theatre, Stratford, Ontario, August, 2013.
“The Proper Name: An Act of Transmission. Presentation at Apres-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, New York, April, 2012
“An Analyst-in-Formation: Personal Reflections. Presentation at Apres-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, New York, May, 2011.
“Psychoanalytic Intervention: A Written Text or an Oral Speech?” Presentation at Cercle Freudien, Paris, February, 2009.
“Psychoanalytic Intervention: An Act of Listening or An Act of Reading.” Presentation at Apres-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, New York, September, 2008.
“Writing the Letters: An Encounter Between Jacques Lacan and Edmond Jabes.” Presentation at Apres-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, New York, December, 2007.
“Notes on a Case of Female Homosexuality.” Presentation at Apres-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, New York, Oct. 2004.
“Kabbalah and Lacan.” Presentation at Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, New York, May 2004.
“Writing, Psychoanalysis and the Creative Act: A Trio of Voices.” Workshop at The Artists’ Health Centre, Toronto, September, 2004.
“What’s in a Name: A Lacanian Interpretation.” Paper presented at Toronto Psychoanalytic Society, Toronto, March 2004.
“Storytelling as a Model for Patient Education.” Presentation at 14th Annual Conference of Cancer Patient Education Network (NCI), Toronto, November 2003.
“A Lacanian Analyst Meets a Zen Dharma Teacher.” 14th Annual Conference of International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education, Pasadena, November 2003.
“Living with Uncertainty: The Fear of Recurrence.” Presentation at Hope and Cope annual Maxine Lazarus Memorial Lecture, Montreal, September 2002.
“Stress, Burnout and Coping among Radiation Therapists.” Presentation at the Toronto-Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre, July 2002.
“The Impact of Cancer on Families.” Presentation at Chapters of Hope Seminar, Toronto, June 2002.
“A Therapist’s Journey with Cancer Patients.” Presentation at Chapters of Hope Seminar, Toronto, June 2002.
“The Proper Name as Symptom: A Clinical Case Presentation.” Paper presented at the Fourth Annual APW Conference, Buffalo, N.Y., June 2002.
“Cancer in Young Adults.” Article printed in the Toronto Star, March 2002.
“Beyond the Pleasure of the Text: The Reader and the Writer.” Paper presented at Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, New York, October 2000.
“The Body and the Letter: Writing on Cancer, Writing with Cancer.” Paper presented at Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association, New York, June 2000.
“Discussant, Dealing with Grief During Psychotherapy.” Paper presented at the Advanced Training Program in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (ATPPP), October 1995.
“Children and Death.” Paper presented at Grief: A Family Affair, a conference sponsored by Bereaved Families of Ontario, Toronto, November 1988.
“The Individual Student.” Paper presented to Early Child Education Department, Sheridan College, August 1988.
“Developmental Phases and Stages of Children.” Workshop presented for Peel Family Education Centre, January 1988.
“Stress in Children.” Paper presented at a panel discussion sponsored by Interim Place, November 1987.
“The Injured Child—Psychological Issues.” Paper presented at The Injured Child: Future Economic Loss and the Challenge of Proof, The Law Society of Upper Canada Toronto, Ontario, May 1987.
“The Secrets of Play.” Paper presented at The Living Family, a seminar sponsored by Peel Family Education Centre, September 1986.
“The Empirical Proof of the Unconscious.” Paper presented at the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Toronto, Ontario, October 1982.
“The Employed Problem Drinker: An Approach to Treatment and Rehabilitation.” Addiction Research Foundation Substudy, Project No. H141, Substudy No. 482. ARF, Toronto, Ontario, 1972.
“Preliminary Report: Follow-up study of employed alcoholics treated voluntarily and under constructive coercion.” Addiction Research Foundation Substudy, Project No. H141, Substudy No. 509. ARF, Toronto, Ontario, 1972.
Published Papers
“Danse et Transcendance de l’Ordre Symbolique”. Insistance, vol. 9, 2014, 41-54. Paris: Eres.
“Un Verbale a la Seconde Puissance: Une Rencontre entre Lacan et la herapie des arts d’expression.” In Vinot, F. & Vives, J.M. Les Mediations Therapeutiques par l’Art. Paris: Eres, 2014, pps. 95-126.
“Verbal to the second power: An encounter between Lacan and Expressive Arts Therapy.” Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal, 26 (1), spring 2013, 26-33.
“The Weight of the Proper Name.” Division/Review, 4, spring 2012, 15-18.
“A Psychoanalyst’s Companion.” Ars Medica, 2 (2), 2006, 17-25.
“What’s in a Name: Reflections on a Lacanian Perspective.” Journal for Lacanian Studies. Vol. 3(2), 2005, 209-221.
“Cancer and the Body: Reflections from a Lacanian Perspective.” European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Health, vol. 7(4), 2005, 235-244.
“Metastatic Breast Cancer: Psychosocial Interventions.” Rehab and Community Care Management, 10(2), 2001, pps. 32–34.
“Cancer and Sexuality: Shared Personal Stories.” Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 1994, 3(2), 95–106